SEO Website Design


Web Designing and SEO: What You Need to Know
Posted on May 27, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: SEO, Website Design
From the largest multinational corporation to the smallest local business, companies nowadays heavily rely on website design for service, marketing, and overall brand-building. There's no avoiding the need for a solid and vibrant web presence when running a business. More and more, consumers judge a business on their website. Even if a company offers outstanding products and services, a poor web designing job can spell trouble in the long-term. Digital media marketing has gone a long way in just a decade; imagine how it can -- and will -- change in the years to come.
Website Design
One of the more recent innovations to hit the world of website designing is search engine optimization (SEO). What is SEO? Search engine optimization is a marketing strategy that uses the power of online search engines such as Google, Bing, and Yahoo! to reach a broad base of customers. How broad? Well, simply put -- the world! The search engine industry is worth approximately $16 billion and reaches billions of people every day. Search engines process an astounding 100 billion inquiries every month. A recent study by OutBrain found that search engines are by far the predominant driver of traffic to content websites. Because of the widespread, constant use of search engines, companies have developed a method that takes advantage of search engines.
Web designing takes a different turn under a SEO campaign. Under SEO, a website is designed a certain way as to attract search engines when they're looking for relevant web content. By including certain phrases and keywords as well as certain web designing techniques, businesses can increase their website's visibility dramatically. With SEO, a company has the possibility of being featured first (or as close to it as possible) on a search results page for certain keywords. Doing so will almost guarantee more traffic and, as a result, more business.
For more information about web designing and SEO, feel free to contact us.
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