SEO Website Design


Why Public Relations Is Vital To Your SEO Strategy
Posted on January 18, 2018 by MyNetWire
Categories: SEO
Looking to reinvent your online campaigns?  Consider fitting conventional platforms like public relations into your SEO strategy.  While SEO is vital for digital promotion, gone are the days when one-off tactics could be implemented and still be as effective.  The role of public relations is important and you should know how to apply it.
Building Links

You might already be using link-building as one of your Indianapolis website design strategies to increase traffic.  But, since the Google Penguin update, previous link-building strategies such as purchasing links and leaving comments on forums have lost their value.  This is where public relations can make a difference as it gives your SEO strategy a more complex approach.

Site authority and traffic are two components of a website that determine how successful it will be in the future.  One way of acquiring authority is to fetch direct links from the most authoritative sites in your niche.  In order to get these worthy links, people usually follow a process that entails them sending a pitch to the editor, getting accepted, and having a story featured with links to a website.

This process might seem easy but it requires a compelling story most of the time as many people have a story they want to be featured.  You need to give a good reason for the editor to link to your website or there’s a strong possibility it won’t be approved.  The key is to come up with a newsworthy story that not only benefits the audience but also happens to be relevant.

When delivering your pitch for public relations, avoid talking too much about your company or products.  Instead, focus on the benefit to the reader then ask if they can place a link in there before publishing the post.  Always remember these PR tactics going forward to get the most out of your Indianapolis website design.
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