SEO Website Design


Posted on December 4, 2017 by MyNetWire
Categories: Marketing
As an entrepreneur, one of the most important aspects to keep in mind while running your business is the marketing budget.  In order to maximize earnings, you need to minimize advertising expenses but still continue to reach new customers each year.  At the same time, you want to make sure the methods you use will be effective at promoting your business.  Here are a few efficient marketing strategies to deploy during the holiday season.

Around the holidays, a familiar sight is to see gifts being exchanged.  If your business offers products, this is a great time to issue samples of your products as gifts to potential customers.  That way, people who might have had doubts regarding your products will have the opportunity to check them out for free.  Some of these people may like your products and convert into a loyal customer.

Sampling is an excellent marketing method that is especially effective in the service industry.  If you operate a beauty parlor, consider providing free hair dressing for a specific time on a weekday.  Leverage small business websites to notify locals about the offer while reaching a larger audience online.
Holiday Cards

During the holidays, numerous people enjoy sending and receiving holiday cards.  Capitalize on this tradition by sending existing and prospective customers a card or email wishing them happy holidays.  In the message, include your distinctive branding and throw in a personal touch by adding a link to your small business websites.
Holiday Fairs

Hometown fairs are very common around the holiday season.  When you participate in these fairs, you not only get an opportunity for new sales but you also gain the locals goodwill.  An added benefit of fairs is that they often attract tourists, which gives your business a chance to get exposure beyond the local area.  Use these tactics to your advantage for the holidays or you might miss out on many opportunities with potential customers.
Posted on October 26, 2017 by MyNetWire
Categories: Marketing
Social media is one of the best tools for promoting your business whether you want to target a new audience or keep loyal members up-to-date.  Aside from sharing pictures and posting updates, you can use it to spread out customer service and take your business to the next level.

More people on a daily basis are using social media so it’s important to have a strategy for handling customer issues.  Not only is this a convenient way of getting in contact with them but you can offer them solutions quickly.  The tips below will help you establish an effective customer service plan for your business.
Create Accounts

The first step is to create accounts across all the major outlets which include Facebook and Twitter.  When you receive messages, answer them in a helpful manner that makes a potential customer feel that their business is appreciated.  As a result, customers are much more likely to remain loyal to you and recommend your business to others.
Build Real Relationships

Most people focus on self-promotion when it comes to social media but neglect to reply back to customer comments on their posts.  Not only does this discourage customers from engaging but it has a negative impact on your following despite having an Indianapolis website design.  In fact, some people think the way you respond to comments reflects the type of customer service you provide.
How Often Do You Engage Your Audience?

Many businesses have social media profiles that are dormant.  Nearly all audiences expect to see updates frequently and replies to their comments.  In order to expand customer service on social media, it’s crucial that you set aside time daily or weekly to engage with your audience.  While an Indianapolis website design attracts potential customers, social media can be fundamental towards convincing your audience that customer service is important to you.
Posted on June 19, 2017 by MyNetWire
Categories: Marketing
Most small businesses have the potential to grow through marketing.  However, many business owners fail to appreciate the growth potential of their small business and they never put forth enough effort to efficiently market their business.  Owners of small businesses should place an importance on marketing if they want to ensure their business continues to grow and stay ahead of the competition.  Aside from small business websites, what areas should be a focus when marketing your business?
Every Interaction Is An Opportunity

Whenever a customer or client interacts with one of your employees, they get an idea of what your business is like.  This means every interaction between an employee and a customer is a marketing opportunity.  Despite which department they work for, all employees should be trained to give a positive impression of the business during any interactions with customers. 

Today, employees need to make the customer experience an importance on social media, face-to-face, or when commenting on small business websites.  Small businesses that offer great customer service are more likely to get positive online reviews and recommendations through testimonials.  Online reviews and testimonials are vital for a small business to establish trust with a potential customer, but customer support will separate you from other businesses.

Often, customer issues that are not resolved cause some people to post negative comments about their experience on various outlets.  Address customer issues immediately and offer support to eliminate online complaining so new customers feel confident with their choice.  What reflects well on your business?
Choose Employees Wisely

When you hire new employees, always take into consideration how they can improve the image of your business.  Through content marketing, you should show the environment of your business so quality employees are intrigued to apply.  Quality employees may also serve to assure potential customers that your business is operated by professionals.  Keep in mind, every department plays a role in marketing so choose employees that reflect well on your business!
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