Local Buzz

Local Buzz

Local Buzz focuses on getting people in your local target area to "buzz" or be excited about your company. We review your current rankings and focus on making you more visible on local results such as Google Places, Bing Local, Facebook, Foursquare etc.

Because so many people use local search, it continues to make a strong impact on website traffic and commerce both online and in the real world. As search engines continue to improve their algorithms to provide the most relevant search results for people based on their location, your website and company needs to be visible on those local listings with optimized content, contact information and reviews.

Key Benefits:

  • Increased visibility through local search to people located in your specific geographic areas
  • For a stronger impact on your local results, combine Local Buzz with our SEO services

Local Buzz is great for companies who provide products or services to one or more specific geographic locations. Because of the increase in mobile devices, Local Buzz has become key to helping consumers find a nearby product or service when they are on-the-go.

Local Buzz Services Include the Following:

  • Local business listing research and creation
  • Update direct business listings
  • Local on-page optimization
  • Off-page website optimization research
  • Local video creation
  • Directory (citation) building
  • Reviews building
  • Off-page SEO link building
  • Reporting and auditing
Sales: 317.559.0995