SEO Website Design


Riding the World Wide Web: The Benefits of SEO Marketing
Posted on January 16, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: SEO
Advertising has come a long way from the small, 2X2 inch ads found in the bottom of the Sunday paper. In today's age of social media and digital marketing, the consumers expect more from the advertisements they see, and so do advertisers. Advertising can come in many forms. Recently, one method has proven to be better than most. Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a rapidly-growing method of digital media marketing that takes advantage of a website that most -- if not all -- web users use at least once a day: search engines.
Search Engine Optimization Indianapolis
Search engines such as Google and Bing are enormous in scope. Did you know that over 100 billion search engine requests are made every month? That's more than 14 times the number of people on Earth! Everyone, it seems like, has used Google, Yahoo!, Bing, and other search engines one time or another. The international search engine industry itself is worth an estimated $16 billion, and purportedly 93% of all Internet users begin any online experience with a visit to a search engine. Digital advertising agencies have taken note of this and developed SEO as a result.
What is SEO? SEO is the process of creating content that increases the likelihood of a website being featured first by a search engine. Because most users do not look beyond the first page of results, it is critical that businesses attract the attention of Google and Bing. By including certain keywords and phrases in any given content piece (among other things), the programs and algorithms search engines use to sweep the Internet for results are more likely to include the content first -- or at least on the first page of results. This is huge for internet ad agencies, not to mention businesses.
SEO campaigns are one of the fastest-growing digital marketing strategies in use today. For results you can count on, choose SEO for your digital marketing needs.
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