SEO Website Design


Posted on September 5, 2019 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
Customization is nothing new, but the concept has definitely grown in popularity in recent years.  So many small business websites spend countless hours trying to differentiate between customization and personalization.  This is because they understand the desire that people have for the concept.  They also want to provide some guidance to small businesses that are actively pursuing customization despite the fact that the idea might do more harm than good.
Why Customizing Matters?

The objective of customization is to modify goods to satisfy a particular customer need.  As opposed to personalization, which aims to communicate with individual customers in a friendly manner to increase the likelihood they become a frequent customer.  Customization is a branding tool that makes it possible for businesses to leave their mark on the hearts and minds of customers.

The concept works by giving customers a hand in the shaping of products they use.  When done right, customization generates a personal connection between the customer and their business of choice which nurtures loyalty in the long run.
What Your Business Should Think About

Some small business websites try to drive home that customization is a complex process, one that can bring just as many issues as benefits if it isn’t approached carefully.  Before you adopt the concept for your business, you must consider a number of import factors.  For instance, you need to determine whether or not your company will even gain with customization.

If your clients are happy with your products and you have no reason to believe that making changes will attract new clients, then decide against it.  Aside from that, do you have the funds and staff to implement the concept?

Also, will your clients appreciate your efforts to suit their needs better or are they more likely to take offense with your decision to change a product they know and love?  Customization plays a role in business but only if it is pursued carefully and strategically so do a proper analysis beforehand to ensure it’s the right step for your company.
Posted on August 19, 2019 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
When a brand has high awareness, customers are able to recognize and recall certain aspects of it easily.  According to research, a brand should have at least 5 impressions for people to remember it.  Brand awareness is extremely vital as customers are more likely to do business with you when they remember your brand as opposed to your competitors.  Below, you’ll learn about the ways in which you can assess the online awareness of your brand.

Surveys on small business websites are helping many businesses assess their awareness.  You can create and send surveys to your customers or survey random groups online.  One question you might want to ask is “how did you hear about us?” to find out how people are discovering your brand.

It’s worth noting that if you make your surveys short and easy with simple answers, people are more likely to complete them.  Again, consider placing your surveys where many people can see them.  Aside from small business websites, surveys may be conducted on social media and YouTube.
Website Analytics

Website analytics tools such as Google Analytics are very useful when it comes to tracking brand awareness.  In the channels section, you’ll see how many people have searched your website link or accessed your website using a bookmark.  You can also see how your traffic is changing over time.
Social Listening

Social listening gives you access to unbiased and unfiltered opinions.  This involves finding out what people are saying about your brand or products on social media.  You may do that by typing your brand name or products associated with your brand into the search bar of any social network and go over the results.

Make sure you also check out what the review websites say about your business while using these tips to assess your brand awareness.  You should calculate your online awareness often and ensure that you always use the latest findings to tweak your campaigns.
Posted on August 9, 2019 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
According to a reputable source, almost 60% of small businesses fail within 6 months of being hacked.  For instance, a former company that offered software as a service over the internet failed due to a data breach.  When crafting tactics to deal with security risks, make sure you consider items that are both physical and virtual.  Here are a few strategies you can implement to ensure your business is always safe.
Secure Physical Locations

If a small business gets broken into and the criminals succeed in taking valuable items and cash, that would likely be devastating for most business owners.  The best way to avoid this is to set up your business in a secure location.  Then, be sure to install security measures immediately such as industrial-strength locks, surveillance cameras, and an alarm system.
Security Check On Employees

Nowadays, it’s no longer surprising to hear that an employee embezzled large sums of money from their employer.  They might do it physically or online if they have access to digital transfers.  In order to reduce your risk, you must have a rigorous hiring process that ensure only people with integrity are hired.  Also, try compensating employees fairly and make them feel as though they belong to your company.
Online Security

While it’s important to have an Indianapolis website design that appeals to your target market, it’s equally crucial to have your website properly secured.  If your website stores sensitive information, security is extremely important.  Some ways in which you can make sure your website is secure includes keeping your software up to date, encrypting your login pages, and backing up your data.

Your business’s growth depends on many factors like how profitable it is and whether or not your Indianapolis website design attracts the visitors you are targeting.  Profitability declines when there are security breaches and growth may stall or be lost.  Therefore, implement the measures discussed above and research often for other tactics to boost the security of your business!
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