SEO Website Design


Posted on January 22, 2016 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
When it comes to marketing your business to current and future customers, trends are always changing. Keeping up-to-date with these trends can be a challenge if you are trying to do it all by yourself. Instead of attempting to handle all of the marketing for your business on your own, consult with a specialist for internet marketing in Indianapolis who has the expertise and experience to do this for you, especially if they stick with these top three digital marketing trends for 2016. 
Complex Browsing and Shopping Journeys 
Companies will have to use responsive design and a single URL to handle the complex browsing and shopping journeys of their customers. Today's savvy internet users are using multiple devices, different operating systems and various web browsers to do their shopping and searches. You can expect these journeys to increase in complexity. Being able to use digital marketing strategies that cross platforms will help you to capture your target market’s attention. 
Content Reigns Over Ads 
Your Indianapolis digital marketing strategy will need to focus on content, rather than flashy ads. Consumers prefer to get their information about a company's latest product or service by reading short articles or watching video blogs or instructional videos, rather than getting a bunch of ads about it. Keep your content sharp and up-to-date online, and link to your newest content pieces on all of your social media accounts. 
Include Visual Content for SEO 
Although customers want to read information about your company's products and services, they also want to see what you mean. Visual learners are stimulated by integrated content such as infographics, charts, and graphs. These visual devices should be easy to understand, clear in their meaning and user-friendly for mobile devices. In addition to flat visual content, look to video content as a way to engage with your customers through the digital world. Newer services like Periscope allow you to have short, interactive sessions that are preserved on video so that customers who could not join in live can watch at another time. Your website marketing team can create the video content for you. 

Top 3 Digital Marketing Trends for 2016 (Which You Should Be Starting in 2015),
Marketing Trends for 2016 – Will we be in a post-digital era?,

Posted on December 14, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
A website audit is an integral tool for measuring the effectiveness of a digital marketing campaign. Much like an energy audit in a home, this process involves taking a careful look at exactly what is working and where improvements can be made. Read ahead for a look at some of the most common signs that your company's site is in need of an audit and potentially an overhaul. 
You Aren't Getting Traffic From Search Engines
Business owners in Indianapolis should immediately start looking for SEO companies if they are no longer getting new traffic from search engines. One of the most important components of a website audit is to uncover exactly where traffic is coming from. A website that is not getting a large portion of their traffic from search engines will most likely need to update their SEO practices and digital marketing campaign. 
Low Conversion Rates
No matter how much traffic you are bringing in, it is the conversion rates that will determine the success of your site. Conversions can range from making a sale directly through the site to having visitors sign up for a newsletter, and you must keep a close eye on these numbers in order to see if you are bringing in the right demographics. Low conversion rates can stem from misleading links, bad content, or a mismanaged PPC campaign. Whatever the reasons might be, experts from companies like MyNetWire must address these issues immediately or you could miss out on thousands of potential customers. 
Bounce Rates Are Climbing 
Another sign that it might be time to contact an expert of quality SEO in Indianapolis is climbing bounce rates. A bounce takes place when a visitor leaves your website after only viewing a single page. Much like low conversion rates, a high bounce rate is a clear sign that there is a flaw in your marketing that must be addressed. One of the most common causes of a bounce is a slow load time. Studies continue to show us that a vast majority of visitors will leave a website after just four seconds if the page does not load. Slow load times are generally the result of overworked servers, cheap hosting sites, and excessive media. 
Do you need an SEO?, Google Support
Simple SEO Tip For Small Businesses: Local Citations, Forbes
'Google Doesn't Laugh': Saving Witty Headlines in the Age of SEO, The Atlantic
Posted on December 14, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
When building a new website or when redesigning an existing one, it is important to take into account mobile website applications as well as traditional or standard designs. Some Indianapolis web design companies may not offer mobile design services. Contacting an Indianapolis web design company such as MyNetWire that does provide mobile responsive design will provide you with better overall results in a number of ways.

Better User Experience
The screen image that your users see will vary based on the browsing platform that they are using to view the page as well as the screen size. With a mobile device, the screen image is often distorted because of the small size and unique dimensions compared to a typical PC or tablet.
However, with many users now using their smartphones to browse the Internet rather than sitting in front of a PC to do so, it is important that your website is completely visible and legible. Mobile design services give you the ability to have multiple versions of the same design prepared based on the type of browser or device the user is using.

Faster Download Time

Designs that are intended to be used by a PC or laptop may have more images and text, and this means that they may have a long download time. The time can vary based on the connection speed as well, but generally, the download time for a standard design will take longer on a mobile device like a smartphone.
Mobile design is created to have a faster download time on these devices. This minimizes or even eliminates the frustration that your users may experience when they attempt to browse through your website on a mobile device.
A Boost in Web Traffic
Typically, the same website can be created in different versions, and the best companies are able to accomplish this goal with flawless results. This may include boosting web traffic and your click-through rate as well as improving the user experience.
With more people accessing the internet through their smartphones, marketing should also be done at their fingertips. Don’t hesitate to seek help from an Indianapolis web design company, like MyNetWire, about creating a mobile version of your website to enjoy the benefits.

How Important Is Responsive Design?, Huffington Post
Understanding the Importance of Responsive Web Design, Business 2 Community
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