SEO Website Design


Posted on October 16, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: Info Articles
Years ago, small Indianapolis businesses had no way to match the booming advertisements of the bigger chains. Internet marketing, however, has revolutionized and significantly leveled the playing field. Search engines, such as Google, are now focusing on providing their users more localized search results, which is great news if you are serving a particular neighborhood, town, county or state.
Ranking in local search
According to Search Engine Journal, when geography is considered, there is generally smaller big brand presence in search results. This provides smaller businesses, which focus on areas with lesser competition, a chance to gain stronger organic search visibility. How it works? Type in your product/service and the location your business is serving (e.g. cars for sale/law firm/ hotel accommodations in Indianapolis). Where is it in the rankings? 1st? 2nd? First page, second page…? Now imagine a user entirely new to the area or searching for alternate options, who do you think is he likely to pick first? That’s the position you’d want for your business.
Local SEO traffic: higher conversion potential
People visit business websites for different purposes. Some who use broader search terms are often merely after general information while others are looking to buy and compare their options. Experts agree that the longer and more specific the keywords used (long-tail), the greater the odds that a person is actually searching for someone to do business with and is already deep into the buying stage.  Consider the keyword “top Indianapolis catering services”. Will you specify a location if you don’t intend to learn more about the options you have in the area?
Ways to implement local SEO
There are many ways you can boost your business’s rankings in the local listings. The basics include properly optimizing business information and using location-based keywords on your website, and ensuring a well-maintained business profile in popular local directories like the Yellow Pages, Yelp and Google Local. Positive customer reviews, both onsite and offsite, can significantly strengthen your site’s local presence as well.  Overall, the more visible you are in local listings and the more people talk about you, the higher your ranking goes and the more traffic you attract, and vice versa.
Bring in the experts
With local SEO, you can work on improving your business’s search engine presence even with a limited budget. However, it requires time, patience and technical know-how. Consider leaving the task to professionals from Indianapolis digital marketing firms, like MyNetWire, and be free to reserve your energy for other important aspects of running your business.
Source: The Value of Local SEO to Small Businesses,
Source: 6 Local Tips For Small Business SEO Success,
Posted on October 8, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: SEO
More than ever before, a good search engine ranking is nearly guaranteed to bring in customers to your business.
Studies show that an incredible 70% of web searches on mobile devices will lead to consumer action in just an hour. Additionally, the average consumer will visit a business' website six times throughout their entire purchasing process -- and 40% of consumers will choose a different search result if the first one isn't mobile-friendly.
It's not surprising, then, that businesses everywhere are turning to search engine optimization, or SEO, to increase their online visibility and appeal to new customers.
However, did you also know that any SEO campaign can benefit immensely from a good social media strategy? Here's a look at just three ways you can maximize your business' Internet marketing benefits with social media:
Social media directly helps SEO
Recently, Google altered its search engine algorithms to take tweets and other social media posts into account when compiling search engine rankings. This means that when your business maintains an active, vibrant social media presence, you'll be rewarded with improved search engine optimization. All it takes is 140 characters or less.
Your business' social profiles already appear in search results
In addition to your business' website, it's likely that its social media pages are being ranked on Google as well. By optimizing each of your social media pages for search engines, you can increase the chances that web users will find your brand when they enter a relevant keyword or search term.
Social media sites have search functions, too
While an undisputed majority of web searches take place on Google, people are also searching for local businesses on Facebook, Twitter and similar sites. Facebook alone gets more than 1 billion search queries per day! By expanding your business' social media presence, you can make it easier for users to find your business than ever before.
Posted on October 5, 2015 by MyNetWire
Categories: Website Design
If you've ever taken a moment to browse through the U.S. government's various websites, you've probably noticed one thing: the quality of these sites' design varies.
And it varies a lot. The FBI's home page, for example, looks like it came straight out of 2005.
That's why the federal government recently released a new set of design standards to bring all federal websites up to speed.
According to, the U.S. Chief Information Officer has released a comprehensive set of guidelines and open-source components aimed at helping federal websites adopt clean, mobile-friendly and current designs.
The guidelines are also intended to make it as easy as possible for visitors to find the information they seek on government websites with uniform, easy-to-use navigation systems that incorporate similar color and coding schemes. This will make the government's various websites seem like they're all interconnected, rather than make it seem like government agencies are fragmented and operate separately from each other.
It's no surprise that the government is finally trying to give all its various websites -- of which there are many -- a facelift. The relationship between website design and SEO, or search engine optimization, is becoming more apparent than ever before, with search engines heavily weighing design quality when creating its rankings.
Recent research has shown that 34% of web users exclusively browse the Internet on their smartphones. Additionally, 47% of users expect a website's load times to be less than two seconds -- and another 40% will click away from a website if it doesn't have responsive, mobile-friendly design!
As a result, no website can afford to let its website design and maintenance fall to the bottom of its list of priorities -- or to ignore responsive web design.
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